
So panged with longing, weighed beneath the curse,

That Eve inflicted by her greedy grasp,

A virgin kneels, anticipation stirred,

As she now ponders what has come to pass.

Salvation vibrates here upon her lips,

That purse to hedge her breath into a voice.

The heartbeat of Eternity now skips,

Arrested by the wonder of her choice.

Her soul bows down to search within her womb,

As heart expands with love behind her breast.

This garden kept Immaculately groomed,

Invites her groom to come and safely rest.

The Spirit wraps His arms about her frame,

And she now freely melts into His Word,

And with a steady voice she does exclaim,

“Behold, I am the Handmaid of the Lord.”

At once this Word is clothed within her flesh,

The sacred and the human intertwined.

The covenant of old here falls afresh,

A promise now incarnate for mankind.